Thursday, March 29, 2012

The wonderful ELMO (document camera)

I would have to say that my favorite technology is the ELMO. The first time I used it I fell in love with it. It reminds me of the overhead projector but you can do so much more with the ELMO. The ELMO can be used to zoom in on small items to show detail, one could complete a worksheet with the class instead of having them just listen to lecture, one can complete graphic organizers with the class, display work samples, and much more. Below is a video on how to use the ELMO and its features.


  1. Alecia, I love the ELMO. The school system here in Marion, AL would really thrive if they had access to more technology. The ELMO seems as though it will motivate students and get them excited to learn. The wireless tablet is a great addition to a classroom. It would be a wonderful thing if all schools had access to all the wonderful new learning tools that technology has to offer.

  2. Alecia,
    The ELMO is still one of my favorites, too. My students and I enjoy sharing our work by projecting it onto the big screen via the ELMO. We are able to edit one another's poetry, essays, and stories together. I am able to show students appropriate responses and inappropriate responses very quickly thanks to the ELMO.
